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Visitors 124
36 photos
Up to 1.5 hour of shooting time.

Recommended Time for Photoshoot:
The best times for outdoor shots is in the early morning (sunrise to 3 hours after) or late afternoon (3 hours before sunset).

Session Fee:
$75 - Prescott location only. Payable at time of session. Credit cards excepted. The session fee covers the time, as well as the photographic skill and artistic talent of the photographer only. Additional travel charges will apply for on-location sessions that are beyond a 40 mile radius from the photographer.

Session Fee & Travel Charges:
Session Fee including travel charges beyond 40 mile radius from the photographer (50% deposit required) balance due at the time of session. Credit cards excepted. Email for pricing.

Online Proofing: Proofs from your session will be placed on a special web page for viewing and ordering and will remain online for 14 days, after 14 days, proofs will be saved on disk and additional charges will occur to reload images online.

Choosing the right outfits for your session.
These are some suggestions.

For Ladies:
Long sleeve shirts are more slimming
Avoid sleeveless shirts if you're concerned about looking heavy
White tops add weight, Dark tops slim
Bring a long sleeve solid dark top
Avoid mini-skirts and short skirts
Horizontal stripes will make you look heavy
Form-Fitting shirts are MOST flattering
Get your nails done before the shoot because they WILL show
Bring make-up for touching-up make up
Bring lip gloss or lip balm, lips tend to dry during the duration of the shoot
Bring a brush, water spray and hair spray for touching-up hair

For Guys:
Avoid plain white dress shirts
Bring a long sleeve dark top

Additional Tips:
Pets are welcome, but make sure they are okay around flash photography

If you are unsure or have questions…contact me. I will be glad to help you.

ASU Graduate Portrait

ASU Graduate Portrait

NAU Graduate Portrait

NAU Graduate Portrait

Miss Navajo Portrait

Miss Navajo Portrait

ASU Graduate Portrait

ASU Graduate Portrait

Prescott Teen Portrait

Prescott Teen Portrait

Teen Portrait

Teen Portrait

ASU Graduate Portrait

ASU Graduate Portrait

Prescott Teen Portrait

NAU Graduate Portrait

NAU Graduate Portrait

Chandler Quinceanera Portrait

Chandler Quinceanera Portrait

Prescott Family Portrait

Prescott Portrait

Prescott Child Portrait

Prescott Child Portrait

Baby Portrait

Flagstaff Quinceanera Portrait

Child Portrait

Prescott Child Portrait

Flagstaff Family Portrait

Prescott Maternity Portrait

Prescott Maternity Portrait

Sedona College Grad

Sedona College Grad