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Visitors 80
51 photos
Choosing the right outfits for your senior session.
These are some suggestions.

For Ladies:
Long sleeve shirts are more slimming
Avoid sleeveless shirts if you're concerned about looking heavy
White tops add weight, Dark tops slim
Bring a long sleeve solid dark top
Bring something trendy and fun
Coats with fur hoods always make amazing images
A simple solid color T-shirt and ripped jeans make cool photos
Avoid mini-skirts and short skirts
Horizontal stripes will make you look heavy
Form-Fitting shirts are MOST flattering
Do not wear babydoll style shirts because they always make you look heavier in the front
Get your nails done before the shoot because they WILL show
Don’t forget the accessories like shoes, hats, belts, and jewelry
Bring make-up for touching-up make up
Bring lip gloss or lip balm, lips tend to dry during the duration of the shoot
Bring a brush, water spray and hair spray for touching-up hair

For Guys:
Bring accessories like sunglasses, hats, belts and shoes
Avoid plain white dress shirts
Bring a long sleeve dark top
Bring something trendy and fun
A simple solid color T-shirt and ripped jeans make cool photos

Additional Tips:
Showcase your sport or hobby, bring uniforms, letterman jackets, sporting equipment, musical instruments, etc.
If you are bringing a vehicle to be in some of your shots, detail your vehicle
Horses and pets are welcome, but make sure they are okay around flash photography

If you are unsure or have questions…contact me. I will be glad to help you.

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